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My Love-Hate Relationship with Chipotle

I love Chipotle! Their food is fresh, whole and tasty. I’m tempted daily to eat there with one reservation: it doesn’t really sit too well with my stomach. By stomach, of course, I mean my digestive process. It goes down great, but comes out with a vengeance. You can see where this is going. I learned this about myself several …

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An Unlikely Lesson

One of the most impactful books I’ve read is C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. It’s an account of a master demon, Screwtape, advising his young nephew, Wormwood, on how to distract their human “patients” and turn them away from God. Early into the book we read: “All you have to do us to keep out of his mind the question ‘If …

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Why Jesus Matters – Part 1

Have you ever wondered why millions of people around the world follow some dude named Jesus who lived 2,000 years ago and think he will make their lives any better today? I want to share with you a few reasons why Jesus matters to me.

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Boiling Frog

If you threw a frog into boiling water it would immediately jump out, recognizing the danger of the heat. If, however, a frog sitting in room temperature water being slowly heated to boiling point the frog would stay put until its death, never realizing its harmful surroundings. I fear we are much the same.

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Star Wars And Our Identity Issues

Luke and Leia Skywalker were separated at birth but years later they had an inherent feeling that they were connected. Eventually they found out their identities and it just made sense. In the same way, we were created to be complete when reunited with God. And when we finally realize that, two things happen: life begins to make sense and we begin to feel whole.

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Treating Others With Dignity

Do all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect? Maybe not, but I would hope so. If we’re being honest, I think it’s easier to treat people based on their merits. If they are nice to you, it’s not hard to reciprocate. But if you’re not being treated well, it’s almost effortless to respond in kind. Why is …

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Living With Open Hands

What keeps us from moving forward in life? We’ve all got baggage, traumatic memories that keep us anchored to a past of hurt and shame. But as we’re reminded: When we’re still holding on to how things were, our arms aren’t free to embrace today. – Rob Bell