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A Childlike Faith

As the sunrise peaks over the mountains and through my dining room window, I sit on my blue armchair, thinking of the day ahead. Suddenly, I hear the door open. My seven-year-old wakes up and, without hesitation, walks right up and climbs on my lap. He doesn’t think anything of it. I’m not even sure he’s fully awake yet, but his first inclination is to sit with me in silence as we watch the sunrise.

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Killing Goliath

We’ve all heard the story of David and Goliath. Chances are, though, we’ve been getting it wrong this whole time.

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Quotes of the Week: Vol. 3

Before we get too far into 2018, it would behoove us to ask which direction we want to go! What if we end 2018, look back, and realize we worked our tails off and accomplished something that doesn’t matter?

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Why Jesus Matters – Part 1

Have you ever wondered why millions of people around the world follow some dude named Jesus who lived 2,000 years ago and think he will make their lives any better today? I want to share with you a few reasons why Jesus matters to me.

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Star Wars And Our Identity Issues

Luke and Leia Skywalker were separated at birth but years later they had an inherent feeling that they were connected. Eventually they found out their identities and it just made sense. In the same way, we were created to be complete when reunited with God. And when we finally realize that, two things happen: life begins to make sense and we begin to feel whole.

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Does God Need My Help?

As a pastor it can be easy to get in the mindset that God needs me – that my efforts directly move forward his agenda. That in some way God couldn’t do this without my involvement. But there is an opposite (and just as dangerous) approach: many Christians believe that somehow they’re too weak, too broken and too much of …

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Getting The Most From The Bible

When we stop at reading alone, and it hasn’t sunk it, we risk growing numb to the very Word of God that has made us alive in the first place. Similarly, when we stop at reflection and internalize it, we may suffer from a purely Pharisee-like lifestyle. It’s not enough to read and internalize the Word of God. We must do something with it.

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Do You Actually Trust God?

I often hear of people passionately praying, not that we should discourage prayer. But when they receive the answer they were looking for, they act as if they didn’t expect God could deliver it in the first place. I’m reminded of this as I read Acts 12:

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Have Your Fill

Have you ever been put in a spot where if somebody doesn’t show up and provide you’re completely unable to provide for yourself? You aren’t alone, most of us have been there.

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We Are Hungry Yet We Choose Not To Eat

Not only have I heard of children rummaging through the garbage looking for scraps to eat, regardless of what it is, but I’ve seen it first hand. Throughout the world children die before the age of five due to malnutrition, lack of food, clean water and preventable disease. This is a travesty. There is so much that we can – and should – do about that. But where should we start?