A Childlike Faith

As the sunrise peaks over the mountains and through my dining room window, I sit on my blue armchair, thinking of the day ahead. Suddenly, I hear the door open. My seven-year-old wakes up and, without hesitation, walks right up and climbs on my lap. He doesn’t think anything of it. I’m not even sure he’s fully awake yet, but his first inclination is to sit with me in silence as we watch the sunrise. Words eventually come: how he slept, if he had any dreams, what he looks forward to in the day to come. I know that as he gets older, these days are limited, so I soak it up.  

I understand why kids grow out of this stage, as heartbreaking as it is. Yet, quietly sitting on a parent’s lap is a beautiful and simple display of love and affection. 

Jesus calls each of us to model ourselves after these simple little ones:

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Mark 10:14

He’s specifically saying that those whose faith shows a childlike dependence on God and who aren’t thought highly of are the very ones who are models of the faith. But why is that?

Think of an infant or toddler for a moment. They cannot feed themselves, clean themselves, or care for themselves. They are entirely dependent on their parents for the most basic needs. They ask for everything, even when they don’t know they’re asking. When they’re hungry, they cry. When they need a fresh diaper, they cry. They cry out for help, and they receive it. God invites us to do the same. 

At the end of Jesus’ teaching on why we shouldn’t worry about what we will eat or drink or wear, he assures us that if we seek him, he will provide all that we need. He then says:

“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”

Mark 12:32

Our father is pleased to give us all these things; all we need to do is come to him. To sit with him, cry out, and ask. As we demonstrate the virtue of not being altogether self-sufficient, we experience the love and blessings of our good father.

May you begin each day by crawling out of bed and into your Heavenly Father’s lap. May you experience the love and comfort of your father as you express a childlike faith. 

Related Post: Getting the Most from the Bible

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