Does God Need My Help?

As a pastor it can be easy to get in the mindset that God needs me – that my efforts directly move forward his agenda. That in some way God couldn’t do this without my involvement.

But there is an opposite (and just as dangerous) approach: many Christians believe that somehow they’re too weak, too broken and too much of a liability. That God doesn’t need you. Or even worse, that you slow him down.

These two beliefs are simply not true. While it’s true: God doesn’t need us, he does choose to involve us. And no matter how broken, or great we seem in our own estimations, God is still God. I love the way Jon Acuff says it:

God is not handcuffed by your weaknesses, nor is he moved forward by your strengths.

God has already done the greatest thing imaginable, without our help. That is, he made a way for us to come to him, in spite of our brokenness and sin. And he can continue to advance his Kingdom with or without our participation whatsoever.

The Bible itself says of God:

“And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.”
Acts 17:25

At the same time, there is no person or thing that can thwart his plans. Not one of us is out of his reach.

Aside from completely overwhelming me in a sense of, “Then what the heck am I doing here?” where does that leave you?

It leaves us with the hope that we don’t impede God’s ability nor do we improve it; but that God will continue to bless. And that while we don’t have to be a part of this at all, he has chosen us anyway. God doesn’t need you, but he wants you. He doesn’t need me, but he wants me. He wants to use us to make a difference in his kingdom.

And while I may be completely off base in this, it’s a truth I know for my own life: what good is it to have grand accomplishments, wins, rewards, etc. if I have nobody to share these with?

God wants to share all of what he is and what he has with you. And that is something worth getting excited for! So despite our feeble efforts – God takes pleasure in us being along for the ride. So lets embrace and enjoy it!

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