Quotes of the Week: Vol. 1

Quote #1:

The greatest teacher, failure is.
– Yoda, The Last Jedi

Reflection: Insanity is said to be trying the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. When we fail, we should learn from and build on it. When we stop learning from our mistakes, it is then we have truly failed. For more on the subject, check out this article from Entrepreneur.

Quote #2:

The Lord has taken away your punishment, he has turned back your enemy. The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm.
Zephaniah 3:15

Reflection: It’s so interesting how quick God is to show us mercy. As a father, I want so badly to take away my child’s punishment when I can; to show them mercy. Yes, I want them to learn their lesson, but I also want them to experience mercy the way I do with my Heavenly Father. This serves as a great reminder that when we trust him, though we fail, God extends his love toward us.

Quote #3:

If you are a parent, you probably have a vision for your children. Instead of simply praying that they would become men and women of character, pray for opportunities to build character into their lives. Your vision involves you. You have a role. You have a part to play.
– Andy Stanley, Visioneering

Reflection: It’s easy to pray a simple prayer: “God, please do this, please do that.” But it requires so much more for us to make the most of the opportunities God has already given us; to build up our children and show them what it looks like to live a life of noble character. This is something I deal with daily.

Quote #4:

We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions.
– Stephen Covey, The Speed of Trust

Reflection: Ouch. It hurts because it’s true!

Chew on that for awhile and check back next week for more.

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