Quotes of the Week: Vol. 2

Quote #1:

Our story is what we have to offer the world. So much more important than being heard is having something to say.
– Erwin Raphael McManus, The Artisan Soul

Reflection: After telling a room full of distracted middle schoolers to be quiet and listen, a wise man once shared with me that what’s more impactful than telling someone to listen is having something worth listening to. We each have core values and beliefs. The best way to share them is with your life!

Quote #2:

– Jeremiah

Reflection: Finally! He started saying Dad months ago but had reserved the word Mama for when he’s mad or needs something. Jeremiah is now beginning to say Mom when he’s happy, and it makes us happy; especially his mama!

Quote #3:

Direction, not intention, determines your destination.
– Andy Stanley, The Principle of the Path

Reflection: Do you remember what they say about good intentions? Me too. We all have hopes and dreams, but too often we fail to achieve them. Have you ever taken an inventory of your life and wondered how you got to where you are? Unless you carefully consider the direction of your life you’re going to end up somewhere you never intended to go. Good intentions aren’t good enough. Consider your direction, and if you don’t like what you see, do something about it.

Quote #4:

What, you don’t trust the goats?
– Colby

Reflection: We went to Civano Nursery the other day, as we often do. They have a small petting zoo there with some goats, chickens and an African tortoise. While the kids and I were feeding the goats, Lori exercised a great deal of caution. Colby called into question her trust of the goats and we all cracked up. Moral of the story: enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like laughter with your family.

Quote #5:

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
– King David, Psalm 51:10-12

Reflection: Following one of David’s greatest mistakes, he was approached by a wise man about his wrongdoing. Instead of getting defensive, David acted in sorrow. This is what set David apart his contemporaries. They all made mistakes, as we do, but David usually responded with a humble and contrite spirit. What we just read was his response to God after stumbling. Our lives aren’t defined so much by our mistakes, but by how we respond to them. It has everything to do with the direction we’re headed, as we saw in Quote #3.

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